Jika saya ditanya, apa saja 200 lebih faktor yang dipakai Google untuk menentukan peringkat atau ranking website di hasil mesin pencarian (SERP) Google? Saya tidak tahu dan siapa saja pun tidak akan tahu, kecuali beberapa insinyur Google.
Memang Google mengisyaratkan bahwa untuk menentukan hasil peringkat, ada 200 lebih sinyal yang digunakan. Pernyataan ini sudah diungkap Matt Cuss sebagai insinyur Google bidang spam. Bahkan Google telah menyampaikan pernyataan ini pada siaran press-nya pada 10 Mei 2006. Beberapa situs berita besar dunia mirip Newyork Time juga telah menyiarkan adanya 200+ faktor tersebut.
Namun, tidak ada penjelasan lengkap dari Google wacana isi 200 lebih sinyal tersebut. Apa dan bagaimana prosesnya. Jika Google mengungkap aspek tersebut, maka Google tidak akan bertahan hingga saat ini. Artinya, 200 lebih sinyal yang digunakan selaku aspek penentu ranking merupakan diam-diam Google.
Lantas, bagaimana dengan postingan 200 aspek yang menghipnotis ranking situs web di google yang telah ditulis oleh pakar SEO di situs-nya? Bahkan beberapa situs yang membicarakan SEO juga sudah membuatkan sinyal-sinyal tersebut (tergolong blog-blog berbahasa Indonesia).
Boleh saja, tetapi itu ialah suatu pendapat atau ulasan, yang bisa saja berdasarkan hasil analisa mereka. Bukan resmi dari Google. Bahkan di situs moz.com dibilang oleh Gianluca Fiorelli bahwa 200 Faktor Peringkat Google yaitu Mitos.
Gianluca menyaksikan bahwa kalimat yang benar yakni “lebih dari 200 faktor peringkat,” dan “200” ialah angka yang mendekati. Bisa saja ini cuma untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kompleks-nya algoritma Google. Jika ada yang mengklaim sudah mendapatkan “peringkat 200 Google aspek” yakni konyol. Pada tahun 2010, Matt Cutts sendiri menyatakan bahwa, walaupun Google memakai lebih dari 200 peringkat faktor, tapi setiap faktor mungkin mempunyai sampai 50 variasi. Dengan demikian jumlahnya akan mencapai ribuan faktor.
200+ Faktor Penentu Peringkat Web
Inilah yang ditulis oleh Brian Dean di laman backlinko.com pada tahun 2013 (diupdate terus) dengan judul Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List.
- Domain Age:
- Keyword Appears in Top Level Domain:
- Keyword As First Word in Domain:
- Domain registration length:
- Keyword in Subdomain Name
- Exact Match Domain:
- Public vs. Private WhoIs:
- Penalized WhoIs Owner
- Country TLD extension:
- Keyword in Title Tag:
- Title Tag Starts with Keyword:
- Keyword in Description Tag:
- Keyword Appears in H1 Tag:
- Keyword is Most Frequently Used Phrase in Document:
- Content Length:
- Keyword Density:
- Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords in Content (LSI):
- LSI Keywords in Title and Description Tags:
- Page Loading Speed via HTML:
- Duplicate Content:
- Rel=Canonical:
- Page Loading Speed via Chrome:
- Image Optimization:
- Recency of Content Updates:
- Magnitude of Content Updates:
- Historical Updates Page Updates:
- Keyword Prominence:
- Keyword in H2, H3 Tags:
- Keyword Word Order:
- Outbound Link Quality:
- Outbound Link Theme:
- Grammar and Spelling:
- Syndicated Content:
- Helpful Supplementary Content:
- Number of Outbound Links:
- Multimedia:
- Number of Internal Links Pointing to Page:
- Quality of Internal Links Pointing to Page
- Broken Links
- Reading Level:
- Affiliate Links:
- HTML errors/W3C validation:
- Page Host’s Domain Authority:
- Page’s PageRank:
- URL Length:
- URL Path:
- Human Editors:
- Page Category:
- WordPress Tags:
- Keyword in URL:
- URL String:
- References and Sources:
- Bullets and Numbered Lists:
- Priority of Page in Sitemap:
- Too Many Outbound Links
- Quantity of Other Keywords Page Ranks For:
- Page Age:
- User Friendly Layout:
- Parked Domains:
- Useful Content:
- Content Provides Value and Unique Insights:
- Contact Us Page:
- Domain Trust/TrustRank:
- Site Architecture:
- Site Updates:
- Number of Pages:
- Presence of Sitemap:
- Site Uptime:
- Server Location:
- SSL Certificate:
- Terms of Service and Privacy Pages:
- Duplicate Meta Information On-Site:
- Breadcrumb Navigation:
- Mobile Optimized:
- YouTube:
- Site Usability:
- Use of Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools:
- User reviews/Site reputation:
- Linking Domain Age:
- # of Linking Root Domains:
- # of Links from Separate C-Class IPs:
- # of Linking Pages:
- Alt Tag (for Image Links):
- Links from .edu or .gov Domains:
- Authority of Linking Page:
- Authority of Linking Domain:
- Links From Competitors:
- Social Shares of Referring Page:
- Links from Bad Neighborhoods:
- Guest Posts:
- Links to Homepage Domain that Page Sits On:
- Nofollow Links
- Diversity of Link Types:
- “Sponsored Links” Or Other Words Around Link:
- Contextual Links:
- Excessive 301 Redirects to Page:
- Backlink Anchor Text:
- Internal Link Anchor Text:
- Link Title Attribution:
- Country TLD of Referring Domain:
- Link Location In Content:
- Link Location on Page:
- Linking Domain Relevancy:
- Page Level Relevancy:
- Text Around Link Sentiment:
- Keyword in Title:
- Positive Link Velocity:
- Negative Link Velocity:
- Links from “Hub” Pages:
- Link from Authority Sites:
- Linked to as Wikipedia Source:
- Co-Occurrences:
- Backlink Age:
- Links from Real Sites vs. Splogs:
- Natural Link Profile:
- Reciprocal Links:
- User Generated Content Links:
- Links from 301:
- Schema.org Microformats:
- DMOZ Listed:
- TrustRank of Linking Site
- Number of Outbound Links on Page:
- Forum Profile Links:
- Word Count of Linking Content
- Quality of Linking Content:
- Sitewide Links:
- Organic Click Through Rate for a Keyword:
- Organic CTR for All Keywords:
- Bounce Rate:
- Direct Traffic:
- Repeat Traffic:
- Blocked Sites:
- Chrome Bookmarks
- Google Toolbar Data:
- Number of Comments:
- Dwell Time:
- Query Deserves Freshness:
- Query Deserves Diversity:
- User Browsing History:
- User Search History:
- Geo Targeting:
- Safe Search:
- Google+ Circles:
- DMCA Complaints:
- Domain Diversity:
- Transactional Searches:
- Local Searches:
- Google News Box:
- Big Brand Preference:
- Shopping Results:
- Image Results:
- Easter Egg Results:
- Single Site Results for Brands:
- Number of Tweets:
- Authority of Twitter Users Accounts:
- Number of Facebook Likes:
- Facebook Shares:
- Authority of Facebook User Accounts:
- Pinterest Pins:
- Votes on Social Sharing Sites:
- Number of Google+1’s:
- Authority of Google+ User Accounts.
- Known Authorship:
- Social Signal Relevancy:
- Site Level Social Signals:
- Brand Name Anchor Text:
- Branded Searches: It’s simple:
- Site Has Facebook Page and Likes:
- Site has Twitter Profile with Followers:
- Official Linkedin Company Page:
- Employees Listed at Linkedin:
- Legitimacy of Social Media Accounts:
- Brand Mentions on News Sites:
- Co-Citations
- Number of RSS Subscribers:
- Brick and Mortar Location With Google+ Local Listing:
- Website is Tax Paying Business:
- Panda Penalty:
- Links to Bad Neighborhoods:
- Redirects:
- Popups or Distracting Ads
- Site Over-Optimization:
- Page Over-Optimization:
- Ads Above the Fold:
- Hiding Affiliate Links:
- Affiliate Sites:
- Autogenerated Content:
- Excess PageRank Sculpting:
- IP Address Flagged as Spam:
- Meta Tag Spamming:
- Unnatural Influx of Links:
- Penguin Penalty:
- Link Profile with High % of Low Quality Links:
- Linking Domain Relevancy
- Unnatural Links Warning:
- Links from the Same Class C IP:
- “Poison” Anchor Text:
- Manual Penalty:
- Selling Links:
- Google Sandbox:
- Google Dance:
- Disavow Tool:
- Reconsideration Request:
- Temporary Link Schemes:
Faktor-aspek di atas memang penunjang SEO semoga mampu mengembangkan peringkat di penelusuran Google. Namun daftar tersebut BUKAN dirilis oleh Google melainkan analisa Brian terhadap ungkapan petinggi google dan praktisi SEO di beberapa media. Meskipun demikian, setidaknya kita mampu memperhatikan 200+ aspek yang mensugesti ranking website di google di atas semoga situs web kita bisa menerima peringkat baik di mesin penelusuran Google maupun mesin pencari yang lain.
200+ Faktor Penentu Peringkat Google – Lentera SEO
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